08.10.2015 |
October 8 in Moscow, the Russian Agricultural Exhibition Golden Autumn” was open. The developments of the scientists of the Agrarian University were also presented on the stand of the Stavropol Territory.
During a visit to the stand the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev devoted the main part of the conversation to the development of agricultural science. At the request of the Governor, the presentation of the scientific potential of Stavropolaya was held by the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev. He showed the developments of the university and two agricultural research institutes to Dmitry Medvedev. In particular, it is new varieties of winter wheat, grapes, potatoes, genetic technology of rapid analysis of potential of farm animal breeds.
According to the rector, agricultural domestic science is able to support production. As an example, he cited sugar substitutes for diabetics, which today are bought by Russian companies abroad in the amount of 46 thousand tons annually.
The University replied to the market by the development and introduction into production its own varieties of Stevia - sweetener plant. The SSAU training and production enterprise produces it in volume of 1 quintal of dry matter.
However, today further research possibilities are limited by the action of management model of the national agricultural science. It is not subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and therefore some of the strategic directions for the industry are underfunded, so it needs to be corrected.
- One SRI gets half the money than a single department. How to develop a further advance science? – Vladimir Trukhachev said.
Dmitry Medvedev commented on the idea of resubordination of Agricultural Science to the Ministry of Agriculture.
-I will not absolutely mind. Provided that the two agencies - the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Agency of scientific organizations - agree among themselves on this issue - he said.
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