Student organizations
Center of student esthetic education (CSEE)
CSEE began the work in August, 2001. It was formed as a result of reorganization of faculty of culture and creativity.
Activity of the Center is an integral part of process of high-quality training of specialists and is carried out for the purpose of formation at students of a civic stand, preservation and enhancement of moral, cultural values in the conditions of modern life, preservation of the best traditions of university, development of skills of constructive behavior on a labor market.
Main activities:
– identification of esthetic needs of students;
– carrying out a practical training on music, choreography, dramatic art;
– ensuring coordination of interaction with student trade-union committee, with dean's offices, chairs and professors of development of the comprehensive educational program of realization of professional and creative opportunities of students;
– implementation of activity of creative formations on interests and tendencies;
– advertizing of activity of the Center, preparation of information and bibliographic material;
– promotion of creative achievements of students.
The increase in number of the offices existing in the Center is caused by a variety of interests and tendencies of students.
Dynamics of growth of number of the students participating in work of the Center is confirmed by figures. 280 people were engaged in 2002 in CSEE, today their quantity considerably increased and now it is 609. This indicator testifies that Center activity at various levels – from university to the international competitions, festivals – is interesting and attracts to itself an increasing number of students.
Multi-day preparation is required for action to be turned into beautiful show. It should be noted that since 2005 all events at university are held in common with student trade-union committee. Tandem work – "CSEE – student trade-union committee" – laid down in a basis of the organization of students self-government. The SSU organization model takes today leading positions in the country and is the best in Stavropol Krai.
the Center of student esthetic education:
• the academic student's chorus (the head – V.I. Korotkov);
• the show ballet "Stylnie Shtuchki" (the head – E.V. Zubenko);
• "Estradniy Vocal" and vocal studio "Joyce" (the head – S. Bovina);
• "Shcola Didgeev" (the head – A.Gomma);
• "Shcola Modelierov" (the head – Y.Voytova);
• "Estradniye Tantsy", “Territoria” - show project (the head – E.Agadzhanova);
• "Tantsy narodov mira" (the head – I.Yaluplina);
• "Balniye tantsy" (the head – P. Martynov);
• "Oratorskoye iskysstvo" (the head – I.V. Kargalev);
• "Studencheskiy teatr estradnikh miniatyr" (the head – S.Yu. Zubenko);
• the CFR team "the 45th Parallel" and "Ot zvonka do zvonka" (heads – T.Rudomakha, N. Golovin);
• "Sportivniye tantsy", the dancing project “Export” (the head – E.Panasenko);
• the dancing project "Top of Style" (the head – S. Gorbovsky).