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Academic and research activity

The scientific infrastructure of Stavropol State Agrarian University is developed and refined constantly. Ag. of Pro-rector for Research and Innovation, Master of Agriculture, A.P. Morozov Vitaly Yurjevitsh heads the team that solves the scientific and innovative problem: Scientific and Innovative Training Facility, Centre for Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies Training, Young Scientists Board, Scientific Library, Museum of University History, Publishing body «AGRUS», Press Service, Scientific-experimental farm, Greenhouse Complex, research and technology park «UniverAGRO» and other centers and labs for innovations.

Units responsible for setting up the scientific, research and innovative activities should provide integration of education, science and manufacturing within an implementation framework of innovative Education&R&D cluster model for setting up the effective system of staff training for economy agrarian sector of Russia.

1. Science&Innovation Training Facility

2. Top-qualification Scientific and Educational staff training

3. Young Scientists Board

4. Scientific-experimental farm

5. Research and technology park «UniverAGRO»

6. R&D Center’s lab “Feed and metabolism”

7. Lab for quality of dairy and meat production determination

8. Lab for private zootechny

9. Regional Center for Veterinary Medicine

10. Lab for agrochemical analysis

11. Lab for cadastre and land tenure

12. Lab for grain quality and products of grain processing

13. Lab for soils monitoring

14. Lab for green crop cultivating technology

15. Scientific lab “Agrarian biotechnologies”

16. Scientific and consulting center for precision agriculture

17. Lab «Fuel and oil and fuel systems of motor-and-tractor engines»

18. Educational, Scientific and Production Center “Rebuilding and hardening of machine elements”

19. Educational, Scientific and Technology Center “Designing and optimization of mechanical systems and manufacturing processes”

20. Stavropol region department of All-Russian Monitoring Center for social&labor sphere of rural areas

21. Lab «Information and communication technologies»

22. Lab for marketing research

23. Training and consulting information center

24. Center for managerial technologies modeling

25. Training and scientific testing lab

26. Lab “BioChimVektor” (REC)

27. Lab for landscape design

28. Lab for phytosanitary monitoring

29. Lab for ecological monitoring

30. Lab “Automatic equipment, electronics and metrology”

31. Lab “Electric power use in the agricultural sector”

32. Lab “Theoretical basis of electrical engineering”

33. Lab “Heat engineering, hydraulic controls and Occupational Health and Safety”

34. Lab “Electric supply and electrical equipment maintenance”

35. Students’ construction department “Spectr”

36. Scientific&educational analytical center

37. Multifunctional educational training center for banking technology “Mini-bank”

38. Educational training lab “Stock market”

39. Programming lab

40. Certified training center of financial and analytical programs “Project Expert” and “Audit Expert”

41. Training laboratory “Insurance office”

42. Oratory lab

43. Lingaphone center