International relations office
The modern world is integrated in all directions. Higher professional education is no exception. Well aware of the benefits of integration into the world educational society, Stavropol State Agrarian University, under the direction of the rector, corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vladimir I. Trukhachev makes significant steps in the building of internationally-oriented university. For promotion of international cooperation Professor V.I. Trukhachev was awarded by:
- Gold Medal of the Czech University of Life Sciences "For contributions to the development of international cooperation and in honor of the 100th anniversary of the university" (Prague, Czech Republic, 2006);
- Gold Medal of the Slovak Agricultural University "For contribution to the development of inter-institutional international relations" (Nitra, Slovakia, 2007).

Professor V. Trukhachev Rector of SSAU and P.W. Calzolari Rector of the University of Bologna at the conference dedicated to the signing of the Magna Charta Universities, Italy (2008)
In 2008 SSAU joined Magna Charta universities, which includes more than 570 leading universities from around the world (only 10 Russian ones among them). Being a part of Magna Charta universities means that the University's educational services and the researches carried out satisfy the highest international quality standards. The University is a member of the European Business Association, which now includes more than 650 largest international companies, enterprises and organizations. In the frameworks of the Association the Universities collaborates with such leading companies as: BASF, EBERTA, John Deere, KPMG, Price Waterhouse Coopers, DLG, etc. In 2009 SSAU joined the European University Association of Science, that unites 62 Agricultural and Natural Universities from 30 European countries (only 3 Russian universities are among them). The main purpose of the association is to develop research and educational activities in agriculture and related areas of science in Europe.
An important direction for development of international cooperation in SSAU is working with official delegations and representatives of foreign states.
In 2008-2010 Stavropol State Agrarian University was visited by Allan Mustard Minister-Counselor for Agricultural Affairs at U.S. Embassy, a delegation of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Russia headed by Mr. Rudolf Adam Charge d'Affaires Ambassador of Germany in Russia, the delegation of the Embassy of Denmark in Russia headed by Mr. Per Carlsen the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Denmark to the Russian Federation, a delegation of the Polish Embassy in the Russian Federation headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the Russian Federation, Mr. Jerzy Bar. In 2007 SSAU won a grant "International Academic Mobility Network with Russia" by Erasmus Mundus program. Students, graduate students and professors from SSAU undertook undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and research internships in European universities in 2007-2010 (103 person).
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Official visit of A. Mustard the Minister-Counselor for Agricultural Affairs at U.S. Embassy in the Russian Federation | Professor V. Trukhachev Rector of SSAU and Mr. E. Bar the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Russia, (2010) |
Along with "Erasmus Mundus" project there is a number of large international programs and projects in SSAU:
- Program of distance education within the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) and the Institute of the World Bank. based on collaboration with the Institute of the World Bank established The branch of the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) was opened on the basis of SSAU in order to organize and conduct activities aimed at capacity building, knowledge sharing, training and consulting;
- Project of the German Institute of scientific research "Impact of European standards for aflatoxins on the development of the grain sector in Russia" in cooperation with the University of Hohenheim (Germany). This is the first joint Russian-German research project in the field of agriculture, funded by the German Institute of scientific research;
- Program of the Agency for International Development "From Farmer to Farmer" with the U.S. consulting company «ACDI / VOCA». In December 2007, the cooperation agreement with a leading U.S. consulting organization «ACDI / VOCA» was signed. Under that agreement SSAU became a center for organizing and conducting workshops in the field of agriculture and agribusiness across the Stavropol region;
- Project "Distance education for learning: development of a consortium of regional distance education for professionals in the field of higher education and agribusiness in the South of Russia." In cooperation with University of Maryland (USA) Russian-American Center for Distance Education was established in SSAU for retraining and skill improvement of specialists in agriculture from 13 regions of the South of Russia;
- Research project "Sustainability of the environment, society and citizenship in the Russian Federation" with Aston Business School (UK).

V.I. Trukhachev Rector of SSAU and professor of University of Maryland (USA) (2008)
Innovative educational scientific industrial cluster was created in the University within the national "Education" project. In 2007-2008 115 representatives of SSAU participated in retraining in the leading agricultural universities in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland in the field of agricultural economics, agronomy, veterinary medicine, mechanization and electrification of agriculture, plant protection. 579 members of the university staff participated in international forums, conferences and seminars.
In 2009, the Education Commission of the European Union announced the results of the competition for «Tempus Tacis» international grant programs of the EU. Only 69 projects of 608 applications from consortia of universities around the world became winners. The European Commission, with the participation of Russian universities will fund only 9 projects, 2 of the grant will be implemented by the Stavropol State Agrarian University. One of the major trends in the development of quality of education in SSAU is international accreditation of training programs. Currently, two undergraduate programs ("Economics" and "Management") and 4 master programs ("International Economics", "International Business", "Management of rural development and rural tourism" and "MBA") are in the process of accreditation by German fund FIBAA . Fund accreditation of international programs in Business Administration (FIBAA) is one of nine European international accreditation agencies. Sign of FIBAA is an evidence of the highest quality of educational program, recognized throughout the world.
In 2010, delegation from Stavropol State Agrarian University chaired by Rector, Professor V.I. Trukhachev took part in the Russian-French student forum in the framework of the Year of Russia in France and the Year of France in Russia. SSAU in cooperation with Touro University (USA) started a project for the preparation and implementation of the international Master's program "Master of Business Administration - MBA" in English for students and professionals of Stavropol region. Due to certain developments in recent years, educational system in SSAU satisfies the requirements of the Bologna Convention much better. This is not by accident, as the main focus of the University's development strategy is to create a positive image of SSAU as an innovative university high quality training and international recognition through certification of the management system of quality of education. We permanently develop academic and professional mobility of teachers and students, work out various educational programs, in foreign languages also, improve quality and uniqueness of the education provided.

Delegation of SSAU during the awarding of the Chancellor of the University of Sorbonne S. Peyroux with memorial plaque during the Russian-French student forum in the Year of Russia in France and the Year of France in Russia.
In 2011, Stavropol State Agrarian University became a member of a number of European associations: Stavropol State Agrarian University became a member of the European Academy of Commerce - Association, with more than 180 educational and research institutions from 55 countries. Stavropol State Agrarian University was one of the founders of the Visegrad University Association - Union of Agricultural and Natural science universities in Eastern Europe. The Memorandum on the establishment of the Association was signed during the forum of Visegrad University Association in Nitra (Slovakia) at the Slovak Agricultural University. The Association included 24 universities from 11 countries in Eastern Europe, Russia and Asia. The purpose of the Association is to promote cooperation in education and science between the universities of Central and Eastern Europe.

The meeting of participants of Visegrad University Association of Agricultural and Natural science universities in Eastern Europe
Stavropol State Agrarian University in cooperation with the American and the Russian branch of the "Peace Foundation" in 2011, took part in the project "World is empathetic" within "The World and the youth" program. During the project the professor had lessons with more than 200 students of the university and also had a lecture with secondary school teachers on "Civic culture and tolerance". More than 40 teachers of Stavropol schools, as well as teachers of the Department of International economics attended the training.

Chairman of the Inter-regional center for international public fund "Russian Peace Foundation" in the North Caucasus Federal District and Southern Federal District Olga Bodrova and teacher of the Russian Peace Foundation from the USA Jan Roland Dray.
In 2012, Stavropol State Agrarian University in cooperation with one of its main European strategic partners Wageningen University, the leading Natural science educational and research center in the Netherlands began working for the International MBA in Agribusiness. Now professional education in agribusiness, corresponding to the world standards will be available in our university, the program will be taught jointly by professors from Wageningen University and Stavropol State Agrarian University in the English and Russian languages, and graduate students will also have the opportunity to do an internship in leading companies of the Netherlands. Graduates of the program will receive a Master's degree and diploma of Wageningen University, recognized throughout the world.

The delegation of Wageningen University during the negotiations on the opening of the MBA program in Agribusiness in SSAU
Stavropol State Agrarian University continues to develop cooperation with foreign companies.
During the visit of German delegation to our university the parties discussed issues of creating a classroom for John Deere machines maintenance training in Stavropol State Agrarian University, opportunities for internship and job placement at John Deere Company for students and graduates of the University.
LOGO “Agriculture and Ecological Balance with Eastern Europe” is a longtime partner of our university in the field of agricultural practices for students in the leading agricultural and agro-industrial enterprises in Germany. Annually LOGO representatives come to SSAU to select the most high-skilled students.

V.I. Trukhachev Rector of SSAU and Hartwig Mennen representative of German company "LOGO" sign the cooperation agreement
In 2013, Stavropol State Agrarian University signed an agreement on cooperation and partnership with Brazilian universities: Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) located the state of Minas Gerais.
Hildelano Teodoro, PhD in environment and water resources protection of the University of San Paulo (Brazil) gave a lecture on "Management of water resources in Brazil".

Delegation of Brazilian universities in SSAU
Svyatoslav Sergeevich Serikov
Head of International Relations Office
Docent of the Department of Entrepreneurship and International Economics
Ph.D. in Economics
Polina Shabanova