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«We continue CFI …»


In the hall of SSAU took ¼ finals of the League of CFI.To say that the competition of CFI was unexpected, it means to state the obvious. From the first chords of the famous hymn of CFI turned serious struggle for access to the ½ finals. In the game participated 8 teams. The same number of points in the competitions: greeting, warm-up, "news" had the teams of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism Faculty, team of Agrobiology and Land Resources and the Environment and Landscape Architecture Faculty and the team of of Agricultural Mechanization Faculty. They led the standings. Now the teams will meet in the finals ½ of CFI League, which will be held next year. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  8

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