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Say No to Drugs!


As part of the All-Russian anti-drug campaign "Tell where they sell death", and the annual - "For healthy lifestyle" among students of 1-3 courses of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture was held a meeting with senior security officer of particularly important cases of the Department of interagency cooperation in the field of drug prevention of Russian Federal Drug Control Service in the Stavropol region police senior lieutenant Elena Krasnoyaruzhenskaya. She spoke about the consequences of the use of narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances for administrative and criminal liability. Then there was a video presentation about the drug use danger. The meeting was held in order to prevent drug abuse among youth. Every reasonable person understands that the drugs are the beginning of the end. Degradation of the individual occures with narcotic dream lover . Drug addiction - is evil.

In memory of the meeting, the students gave Elena Alexandrovna themed poster. She, in turn, invited children to take part in actions on drug prevention and health promotion. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  2

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