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29th of November is a Mother's Day


Dear women!Please accept my sincere congratulations of Mother's Day!Mother's Day is a celebration, filled with tenderness, love and warmest and sincere emotions and feelings. At the heart of each of us this holiday evokes endless gratitude to the very close and dear person - mother.Throughout her life, she tenderly cares for us, shared successes and failures gives all the power to raise children as worthy people. And in this we see the best qualities of motherhood: a lot of patience and sacrifice. They appear with the appearance of a child born with the knowledge of their huge responsibility for the health and future. And because so great the desire of women to have a strong and united family, warmth and good atmosphere in the house.We always feel a deep appreciation for the daily maternal feat, we return a touching tribute to the spiritual care of mothers, persist throughout life.I sincerely wish you good health, love of family, warmth of home and the huge female happiness!

Yours faithfully,

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Professor, deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory

Hero of Labor of Stavropol,

Honorable Sir of Stavropol Territory

V.I. Trukhachev

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