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Rural tourist show of Stavropol Territory is ready to receive guests


Rural tourist show of Stavropol Territory is ready to receive guestsWithin the framework of the scientific-practical conference "State and prospects of development of rural tourism in the Russian Federation", which was held on the basis of Stavropol Agricultural University, was held a familiarization information tour around the rural tourist objects display the Stavropol Territory.The forum participants from 56 regions of Russia were presented a fascinating tour of "outlandish places" of Izobilnensky and Trunovsky areas. "Information tour was organized to familiarize visitors - and these are professionals of agricultural and tourism industry - with the tourist potential of our land, our accumulated experience in rural tourism, to establish new business ties between the regions", - told the tour organizers of the University.In just one day, participants of infotour visited eight sites intended for agro-tourism and rural rest.In Trunovsky area tourists acquainted with the life and traditions of the Cossacks romanovtsev, saw a virtuoso riding tricks, tasted dishes ofCossack field kitchen. The guests also visited the temples of Trunovsky village: Holy Trinity Church, the church of St. Seraphim Sarov, the temple of the Holy Deiparous Virgin. The highlight of the trip was a tour to the historical museum named after K.A.Trunov, which carefully preserved relics - the evidence of the history of the settlement of the South Russian Cossacks.One of the items on infotour to Izobilnensky area became samovars Museum, which is located in the village Novotroitskaya. His gracious host met dear guests and told a lot of stories about their exhibits. And they had as much - more than 270! But in addition to collecting of samovars and other utensils, Sergey Brezhnev still engaged with home winemaking.In the Church of the Nativity of the Deiparous Virgin in the village Rozhdestvenskoye participants of All-Russian scientific-practical conference "State and prospects of development of rural tourism in the Russian Federation," were met by the priest Andriy Shevchenko. During a tour around the temple, he told a lot of interesting, touched upon the history of Christianity, the construction of the first churches in the Stavropol Territory. The final stage of info tour was a visit to the recreation center "Pure ponds"."We felt the full multinational flavor and hospitality of your land, - shared their impressions the visitors from Chuvashia. - Stavropol leaves no one indifferent. We discovered many gastronomic brands and could not break away from staroizobilneskoy toys. "Summing up the trip, the participants and the organizers noted a high tourist potential of the Stavropol Territory, especially in terms of environmental, agricultural, and gastronomic tourism event, highlighted the need for the development of the hospitality industry, agreed on further cooperation.

Дата новости для фото:  29.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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