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Antitrust - explanations of specialist


In the framework of cooperation between Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Stavropol Territory in the Economics Department was held a meeting with the deputy chief of the department of supervision over compliance with advertising law and unfair competition suppression M.V. Silichev. At the meeting there were discussed issues of practical application of antitrust laws, in particular the "fourth antimonopoly package" - unfair competition.

The event was attended by 3 year students of the Faculty of Economics "Economics", "Management", and 2 year students of direction "Business Informatics", as well as lecturers E.A. Kosinova, S.V. Alivanova, N.B.Chernobay.

The representative of the Stavropol FAS introduced students and teachers with the activities of antitrust authorities in Russia and the Stavropol Territory, told about the powers in areas such as antitrust regulation, control of procurement, advertising and unfair competition. The greatest interest among the students caused the facts of conducting unfair competition between enterprises of the industry of the Stavropol Territory.

At the end of the meeting there was an active discussion about the distinctive signs of counterfeit products, illegal use of trademarks, infringement of the legislation in the field of advertising, as well as the directions of further cooperation with a strategic partner.

Дата новости для фото:  27.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  7

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