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Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Citizen. Elections. Power"


Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management and Law, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Victor A. Cherepanov took part in the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Citizen. Elections. Power ", which was held by the election commission of Stavropol Territory in cooperation with the North Caucasus Federal University on November 27, 2015 in Pyatigorsk. Professor V.A.Cherepanov spoke at the plenary session of the conference with a presentation on "Collection of signatures in support of nomination of candidates: reflection of the will of voters or getting rid of undesirable candidates?"

The conference was attended by over 300 people, including representatives of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, election commissions of the Russian Federation subjects: the North Caucasus, Southern, Far Eastern, Central and Urals federal districts, heads of regional and municipal public authorities, researchers and teachers of higher educational institutions, members of scientific community and the public, heads of educational institutions, students, graduate students and undergraduates; representatives of public organizations. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  12

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