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SSAU is territory of trust


SSAU launched a series of traditional parent-teacher meetings.

Their organization, as a form of enhancing the effectiveness of the educational process, is based on the creation of a platform where the high school administration, teachers and parents meet to discuss the problem of the educational process for a year, a semester, define strategic lines of cooperation of parents and high school.

Earlier this week, the meeting took place at the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. They were attended by representatives of the dean's office, curators of courses and groups, leading teachers. Traditionally, parents of students actively participating in the public life of the faculty and the university were awarded letters of thanks.

Parents' meetings pursue a number of urgent and important goals. Parents of students can familiarize themselves with the contents and methods of the educational process at the university, conducted extracurricular activities, conferences, forums and other forms of educational work with students, shared resources and possibilities at the university. In addition, parents' meetings increase the pedagogical culture of parents, which promotes successful cooperation and understanding with the grown up children at a proper level.

The University thoroughly prepares for parent-teacher conferences. As a rule, parents' meetings in SSAU end with creative performances of students. Past meetings were dedicated to the mother’s day and all the mothers were presented with soulful songs and poems in performance of their children-students. This created an emotional attitude to work together, the atmosphere of mutual trust between parents and teachers of the university. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  7

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