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Price of mistake is life!


At all faculties of Stavropol State Agrarian University there is a purposeful, systematic work on the prevention of drug addiction among young people. This time, there was a meeting of 2 and 3 year students of the economic faculty with an employee of the Department of interagency cooperation in the field of prevention of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in Stavropol Territory senior security officer for particularly important cases Elena Alexandrovna Krasnoyaruzhenskaya. The event was organized by teachers of the department of management.

Representative of the Office explained the underlying causes of drug use among young people, and their devastating consequences for health, cases of deaths from taking smoking blends "spice." In particular, she highlighted the medications which cannot be taken without a prescription.

Next, the students watched a presentation about the responsibility for the crimes and offenses in the area of illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and participated in the collective exercise "price of mistake".

Addiction is a global problem of all mankind, and its solution depends on the national security of the Russian Federation as a whole. Students are encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Finally, E.A. Krasnoyaruzhenskaya called phone numbers of law enforcement agencies, ministries, departments and centers, in which you can apply for legal, medical and psychological assistance. Teachers of the department have identified ways of further cooperation with the Office of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in Stavropol Territory. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  7

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