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Landmark of educational and counseling center for training specialists KIPaA is professional excellence


To ensure the successful activities of the regional educational and counseling center for training specialists in the field of automated control systems, opened on the basis of the faculty of electric power engineering, takes place a series of planned events.

One of them was the participation of an employee of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Metrology D.G. Ushkura in the course of training modern IT-technologies in the industrial company "OVEN" (Moscow). In the seminar "Programming PLK1hh. Basic Course" there were presented most advanced means of automation, monitoring and control of various technological processes on the basis of which the laboratory" Automation "of the faculty of electric power engineering was modernized and the first training and consulting center for training specialists KIPaA was opened.

Business cooperation of SSAU with one of the local leaders in the field of instrumentation equipment and automation of technological processes - company "OVEN" - lasts for more than six years. During this time, there was a general strategy to strengthen partnership. One of the practical results of this work can be regarded as delivery of SSAU modern complex of equipment for the laboratory "Automation" that best meets the needs of the domestic market of production of technological process automation equipment. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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