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Let joy and goodness live in every heart!


The student volunteer unit "Care" of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources visited their sponsored  orphanage named after Zatsepina once again. The students congratulated  twenty-two children on their birthdays. They made up a tea party, gave gifts, organized games and musical greetings. When departing, they left the  warmth of their hearts to  the children, giving them joy and festive mood.

The student specialized unit "Care" is a winner of the regional contest of student teams in the nomination "Our Hope". For fifteen years, it has been organizing and conducting charitable activities, carrying out special projects (social, sports, cultural and mass) in the sponsored orphanages and  boarding schools. Team members are volunteers, they actively take part in various activities with children without parental care. They are trying to surround children with goodness, understanding, teach them to love, enjoy and worry about others,  all this forms the basis of a future life.

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  12

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