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Winners of the II National Innovative public competition for the best textbook


The results of the II All-Russian innovative public competition for the best textbooks, manuals and monographs were summed up. With great pride, we note that two works of our teachers have been praised by the competition committee.

The Diploma of the winner in the nomination "The best textbook (manual) for secondary and vocational schools" for the textbook "Finances, money circulation and credit", the following authors were awarded: I.I. Glotov, E.P. Tomilina, O.N. Uglitskikh, Y.E. Klishina, A.N. Gerasimov, E.I. Gromov. Also, teachers of "Finance, Credit and Insurance" and "Statistics and Econometrics" Departments of the SSAU I.I. Glotov , E.P. Tomilina, O.N. Uglitskikh, S.G. Shmatko, I.M. Podkolzina received the diploma of the winner in the nomination "The best scientific monograph" for his work "The financial provision of inputs of agriculture".

The victory in the II All-Russian competition for the best innovative textbooks, teaching aids and monograph is not only the result of joint efforts of the teaching staff, the scientific confirmation of the status of the university, but also the provision to increase the number of publications in the RISC, and the number of citations; long-term stay in the "scientific circulation", promotion of research of our scientists in the educational space.

We congratulate the winners of the contest and wish them further success in research and teaching and teaching, new scientific achievements. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  6

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