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"I am a student of the SSAU": photo contest summed up to the 85th anniversary of the University


The Agrarian University summed up the photo contest "I am a student of the SSAU", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the university. The contest was held during the celebration of the anniversary of the University, from September 20 to October 25, 2015. The participants of the photo contest were students and graduates VPO "Stavropol State Agrarian University." The jury, which consisted of the the heads of the creative association "Agrarian PHOTO VIDEO" Valery Efimov, Anna Bogdanova, the chairman of the primary trade union organization of the SSAU students Nikolai Golovin, photographers of the press service of the university Roman Bogatyuk, Vladimir Bulatov examined over 50 works.

Photo is a very subtle thing. It has a compelling social component as it relates to the art of documentary. Contestants are not professional photographers, but they have been "charged" at the home university. Therefore, there is no accidental release to the audience in their pictures, but very precisely adjusted things.

In the nomination "Photo Report" the 1st place was taken by Natalia Radaeva, the 2nd Alexander Voroshilov, the 3rd - Maria Rapova. A special prize was awarded to Sofia Dzhatdoevoy’s photos. In the category "Art photo" the best work was recognized by Yana Druzhininoj, the 2nd place - Victoria Galimov, the 3rd - Julia Pastarnakova. Also, the jury highlighted the pictures of Mary Rapova.

The photographs of participants of "I am a SSAU student" turned out to be a bright album of pictures of different genres. One can meet them in the SSAU group social networks. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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