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Agricultural biotechnology ... What is it?


On the basis of the Biotechnology Laboratory of the Stavropol Research Institute of Agriculture, a visiting session of the students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources on the subject "Agricultural Biotechnology" was held. The event was supported by the administration and faculty dean's office.

The students got acquainted with activities of the laboratory, its organization, studied the stages of micropropagation of potato, grapes, cereals, also learned about the importance of biotechnology in plant breeding.

The studies were conducted by a leading research assistant N.N. Tsatsenko, a research assistant M.N. Mashchenko - a graduate of the Faculty of Plant Protection of 2007 and a leading teacher of the discipline, an assistant professor of Chemistry and Plant Protection Department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University L.V. Maznitsyna.

During the visit at the Research Institute, agronomists of general direction were interested in the technology of plant growing in vitro methods and their potential, future vegetable growers received satisfactory answers to questions about the taste quality of the grapes; agronomists of "plant protection" direction learned about the methods of plant improvement and diagnosis of viral diseases at the microshoot breeding stage. Students and researchers discussed the latest achievements, problems of biotechnology, expressed their vision of the future development of the science sector. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  4

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