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Congratulations on the anniversary of a strategic partner


The students and teachers of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of the SSAU congratulated its strategic partner MUP "Gorzelenstroy" of Stavropol on the landmark date - the 70th anniversary. On behalf of the Rector of the University V.I. Trukhacheva jubilee were awarded with a welcome address, handmade panels, floral arrangement.

"Today our city today is an oasis of beauty and purity. Creating masterpieces of landscape art, you do not cease to surprise and delight us. We thank you for your cooperation, cherish it, and we hope that in the future it will be fruitful, "- said the Head of the Department Ecology and Landscape Architecture Y.A. Mandra.

In turn, the director of the company O.F. Ktitarova thanked the Stavropol State Agrarian University for greetings and recalled that in the framework of cooperation between the two organizations there was a competition of student projects on landscaping of one of the city flower beds this autumn. Until the end of 2015 a winner will be defined, a project will be implemented in the area in front of the railway station of Stavropol in spring of 2016. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  11

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