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A practical view of the production of dairy products


The students of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty and Technology Management Faculty visited "Agricultural company" Selo Voroshilov ", where engage in the production of dairy products.

Students receive theoretical knowledge in well-equipped with modern technology and laboratory classrooms and practical skills acquire and secure during training practices, on-site classes and excursions. In agrofirm Celo Voroshilov the students got acquainted with the work of veterinarians and livestock specialists, visited production facilities of closed technological cycle, tested equipment by means of which work of the company carry out, met with the leadership of the agricultural firm. Veterinarians and technicians answered the questions which were asked by future specialists: a chief veterinarian of the agrofirm P.S. Zavyalov and the main animal technician S.A. Terpilov.

In a review of the tour, the students pointed out that by means of excursions to existing agribusinesses they get more practical skills working with animals, and fix the theoretical knowledge, learn to work in teams, communicate with each other and with mentors. Such departures unite students, orient them to good study and motivated to receive full professional knowledge and skills for the future of veterinary activities and work in production. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  12

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