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Scientists SSAU enhance their work in international citation databases


In SSAU, there was a series of lectures and seminars on the Principles in international databases citing that was held by the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the ​​Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD in Sociology, Head of Section of academic writing Publishers Association Henri, a member of the Russian expert council SCOPUS (Elsevier ) N.G. Popov.

Science Citation Index is accepted in the scientific world index of "significance" of the works of the scientist. Russian universities are actively encouraging academic staff to publish in journals of citation data bases. In Russia, the impact factor of journals is recorded in the database RISC. Globally, other players run the show. N.G. Popov briefed the participants with the peculiarities of the world's largest multidisciplinary bibliographic and abstract database Scopus. Publications in leading scientific journals included in the global database citation, allow to declare itself in the international academic community, to increase the citation indices, to establish scientific ties with foreign colleagues working on similar subjects.

The seminar addressed the issues of requirements for modern scientific publications, scientific style of work in the English language, structure and presentation of metadata as well as the factors determining the success of a scientific article. The classes were considered particularly competent academic writing, the system of building a scientific text on the basic laws of perception: clarity, consistency and focus of the address. The seminar brought together scientists, teachers, graduate students, who were asked to perform a number of specific practical exercises. Attendees of the seminar were able to take a critical look at their articles, to understand errors and determine the further direction of their professional growth. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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