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The fundamental values of the Constitution are paramount and urgent


On the eve of the national holiday of the Russian Federation - Constitution Day, a student conference was held at the Electroenergetic Faculty which was devoted to this event, as well as Human Rights Day, organized by the teachers of the Department of Philosophy and Hhistory professor S.B. Kalinchenko and associate professor V.I. Kurchevym.

The reports on the status of the main document of the country, on the implementation of key provisions of current Russian constitution, were presented by the 1st year students of the Electroenergetic Faculty of Electricity: Hasanov, A. Grinko, E. Pantelova V. Dridiger, D. Fursov, K. Kolesnikov.

In particular, it was noted in the reports of the students that on 12 December 1993 in our country the first time in its history a new basic law has been accepted in principle - a law that recognized the supreme value of human rights and freedoms, which established the foundations of the democratic order in Russia. The Constitution obliges the state to respect and protect the practice of these new core values. The adoption of the Russian Constitution was a turning step in a modern Russian history. It was adopted by the will by of people and, thus, made determines a decisive choice in favor of a free and progressive development, a fundamental change in political and economic relations in favor of the welfare state and a just society, the high prestige of law and an independent judiciary, the development of real federalism and full of local government.

The participants discussed the reports identified the impact of the Constitution on the development of all forms of ownership in our country, the effective use of budgetary funds, the development of economic relations as a whole, to strengthen social institutions, public service and the provision of public services, virtually all areas that have a direct related to the everyday needs of the people, to the needs of their development.

At the conclusion of the conference, there was a student quiz on basic provisions of the Constitution. The winner was recognized as the 1st year of the 2nd group at the Electroenergetic Faculty.

Дата новости для фото:  11.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  6

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