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The team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - the winner of the Inter-University Youth Forum "Manage and Improve"


 Interuniversity Youth Forum "Manage and Improve", dedicated to the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation took place in Stavropol.

The event began with a plenary session in which the participants of the forum had an opportunity to ask questions relating to the development of youth policy of Stavropol Territory and discuss pressing issues. Also at the meeting, there were the reports of the chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of the SSAU, the head of the regional branch of the ASO, Nikolai Golovin, deputy chairman of the Youth Electoral Commission of the Stavropol Territory, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Vladimir Nikulin.

The forum showed the presentation of social video that participating teams have prepared in the framework of "homework." Video theme aimed at increasing knowledge about the Basic Law and the formation of civic youth. Students also held on topical legal stations and attended the discussion platform, organized by technology "Ship."

The forum winner was the team f the Stavropol State Agrarian University, that is overseen by the Department of state and Municipal Government and Law. Our team consisted of students of Economics Daria Bukacheva, David Verdiyan, Svetlana Dolgopolov, Julia Caterpillar, Alain Karamalieva; students of the Electroenergetic Faculty Vadim Shpak, Anastasia Mytsyk; students of the Farm Mechanization Faculty Roman Katsuba, Andrei Nazarenko; a student of Socio-cultural Service and Tourism Alexei Anisimov. Well done, boys!

The same team of the Agrarian University won the contest of social advertising. Organizers of the forum awarded with diplomas and gifts the most active participants. One of them was a 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics David Verdiyan. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  10

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