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December 12 – the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation


Congratulations of the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I.Trukhachev

Dear teachers, employees, students, postgraduates, graduating students!

I send my greetings to you on the occasion of the public holiday – the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

This document is the most important attribute of the state, the symbol of dignity and honour. The principles of statehood are determined in it, where a citizen, his interest and rights are proclaimed as top value.

The Constitution works as a reliable guideline in strengthening of stability, solving important economical and social problems, providing our citizens with deserving life, and wisdom and justice, containing in the lines of the Constitution, are a support in our affairs, they determine direction of our actions.

A real citizen wants to see his native land being flourishing and strong, to look ahead with confidence. Embodiment of this aim depends on desire for applying our ability to realize the main status of the Constitution.

This important day for every citizen, I sincerely wish you health, happiness, wellbeing, stability, new successes and achievements for the benefit of society, our University, native Stavropolaya, and our great Motherland!

With best regard

Rector of the Stavropol Agrarian University,

RAN member-correspondent,

Stavropol Territory Duma deputy,

Hero of Labour,

Honorary citizen of the Stavropol Territory V.I. Trukhachev 

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