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Concepts of modern science


Samara State Aerospace University, a round table "Modern problems of chemistry". The meeting of the student circle "Nutrients in my specialty" under the direction of associate professor of chemistry and plant protection E.V. Volosovoy.

The discussion was attended by first-year students of the Faculty of electricity.

Chemistry - a full-fledged member of the family of exact natural sciences, i.e. scientific knowledge of chemical formed from the theories, laws, which exclude the plural interpretation and are repeatedly tested and confirmed in practice. And as for any natural science, chemistry needs testability, reliability and reproducibility of the results, the conclusiveness of knowledge of relevant scientific theories and observable facts. Modern chemistry happily escaped to "raid" the irrationality that is present in physics, biology, astronomy.

In the discussion about modern problems of physics, the round table participants touched upon the analysis of the fundamental problems and main directions of modern chemistry, the development of which seemed to be relevant perspective, and ensuring the progress of chemistry and related fields of science and technology. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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