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The world within a word


The Winter Garden Agricultural University held the first meeting of the creative literary club "World around the word."

It was devoted to the author's poetry. Literary Club of SSAU was created on the initiative of students at the undergraduate educational forum "growth trajectory" in May 2015. In a warm spiritual atmosphere gathered lovers of art, literature lovers, defending "good ideas of creation." Literary Club meeting was held in the format of the evening concert. Students of different courses and faculties of the audience presented their works.

The guest of honor of the evening was a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, chief editor of the anthology "Literary Stavropol" Vladimir Butenko.

- An introduction to literature, poetry has always favorably affected the human soul, - said V. Butenko. – We improve ourselves only through culture. Poems that have been raised here today, suggest that young children are full of life, optimism and love. The more we become civilized people, the lighter and kinder will be our country and society.

As part of a literary evening a poetry contest was held. Jury: chief editor of the anthology "Literary Stavropol" Vladimir Butenko, head of the department of educational work and social issues Tatiana Gunko, associate professor of foreign languages Elena Zorina, deputy director of the Scientific Library SSAU, head of the center of aesthetic education of students Ivan Maklakov noted author of poetry works freshmen: Kseniya Nazarova (Accounting and Finance Department) and Arina Kotova (Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources) as well as Alexander Piskunov (Department of Technology Management).

- Tonight you moved me to tears, - shared her impressions Kseniya Nazarova. - I hope that in the near future come more talented guys will come to the club. Poetry and Literature - a vital platform for all level of spiritual development. Today I presented to the public my poem "I gave myself to the wind." It was written in two days, and there I wanted to convey to people that it is important to look into your soul and see the problems which always present in my life, not mastered personality.

It was a real event in the cultural life of the university and it gave an unforgettable feeling of depth and beauty of the poetic word. "Spring is the beauty of poetry, - said Gogol. - So everything to the person: and in his youth - the wisdom, and in old age - childhood. "

Literary Club of Agrarian University is open to all comers. To become a member just come to one of its meetings.

Дата новости для фото:  16.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  16

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