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Entertaining accounting


The department "Accounting Financial Accounting" SSAU hosted the tournament, "Accounting - Accounting is a living idea."

Students of 3rd year Accounting and Finance Department "Economics" profile "Accounting, analysis and audit" demonstrated a high level of theoretical knowledge in solving accounting problems, as well as a creative approach to competition parodies. The organization of the event was held by the teacher of "Accounting Financial Accounting": senior lecturer N.V. Kulish, Associate Professor O.E. Sitnik, Assistant I.S. Bekhtereva. Victory in the accounting team won the tournament, "Samurai of accounting", scored 37 points. Second place went to the team "Lady accounting " with 33 points. Third place was shared by the team 'Institute of Accountants noble "and" Balance ", earned 32 points. The fourth place team "Assets" - 31 points. Accounting tournament was fun, fun, informative. Guests of the event and the members of the jury were once again convinced that accountants - people are creative, versatile, loving his profession. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  9

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