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Retraining of specialists of agronomic profile


December 17 at Stavropol State Agrarian University – diplomas of retraining programs, "Agriculture: the technology of production, storage and processing of agricultural products", which give the right to conduct activities in the field of technology of production, storage and processing of agricultural products, representatives of the branch of the State Organization "Russian Agricultural Center "in Stavropol region.

"Agriculture: the technology of production, storage and processing of agricultural products" was developed by teachers of the department of "Agricultural Chemistry and Plant Physiology", "Production and processing of food products from vegetable raw materials", "Crop and breeding" Professor .F.I Bobrysheva and implemented at the Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources of the university. It includes 6 main disciplines. Among them are "Fundamentals of Agricultural Chemistry", "Standardization and certification of crop production", "Technology of cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses."

Education within the framework of professional training completed an interdisciplinary examination. The work of certifying commission was headed by Deputy Director of Stavropol Agricultural Research Institute of innovation, Professor V.K. Dridiger. The commission included the dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources, Professor A.N. Esaulko, Head of the Department of Plant and breeding, Professor Associate A.I. Voyskovoy and the production and processing of food products from vegetable raw materials N.A. Esaulko.

80% of students passed the final certification exam with "excellent", 20% were rated "good".

"The program, developed by scientists of Stavropol Agricultural University, which we have studied for several months, has revealed to us a number of new features to confirm compliance with the standards of plant products, to provide professional competencies required for further activity of our company", - said the deputy head of the certification body "Russian Agricultural Center" S.I. Sidorov.

Students education was organized by the Institute of additional professional education of the university. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  2

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