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Right festival – a business platform for future economists, lawyers and political scientists


Students of agricultural university took part in the II International scientific youth conference "Right Festival" which finished work in Stavropol. More than 200 students from the different cities of Russia, neighboring countries, Europe participated in a forum.

"The right festival" was organized for exchange of experience, representation of wide student's audience of the research works devoted to problems of development of the right and the legislation of Russia and foreign countries.

- First of all, the festival is opportunity for young people to recognize each other, to communicate, make friends. On conference there arrived students from the Moscow state legal university, MSU of M. Lomonosov, the Baltic federal university of I. Kant, Taurian national university of V. Vernadsky, from the Kharkov National legal university of Yaroslav the Wise, from the Yerevan Russian-Armenian university, the Belarusian state university, our Austrian contemporaries from university of Salzburg", - the student of 1 course of the Management direction of economics department of SSAU Anastasius Antonov told. She headed delegation of agricultural university and made a speech at plenary session with the report on problems of use of means of the maternity (family) capital in Russia.

Following the results of holding "A right festival" collections of performances of students are published. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  8

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