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In SSAU protection of two theses on defending of an academic degree took place


Originality, scientific novelty and the practical importance of the works at a meeting of dissertation council were presented by scientists of agricultural university.

In dissertation council D 220.062.02 at FGBOOU WAUGH "The Stavropol state agricultural university" protection of theses on competition of an academic degree of Candidate of Biology Agarkov A.V. took place. on a subject: "Formation of the immunobiological status of newborn pigs" (work is performed in FSBOU VO "The Stavropol State Agrarian University", the research supervisor the Dr.Biol.Sc, Professor A.F. Dmitriyev) and D. S. Ochirova on a subject: "Violations of the mikronutriyentny status of sheep and their correction by vitamin and mineral complexes" (work is performed in FSBOU HPO "The Stavropol state agrarian university", the research supervisor the Doctor of veterinary sciences, Professor V.A. Orobets). Protection of theses took place successfully. Members of dissertation council voted for award of an academic degree of Candidate of Biology to competitors unanimously. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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