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Stavropol State Agrarian University was awarded with the International mark of quality "EBA Quality Standard»


On the New Year's Eve from England came the good news: The Socratic Committee of the European Business Assembly EBA (Oksford, UK) awarded the Stavropol State Agrarian University of International quality symbol "EBA Quality Standard» for compliance with quality products and services with international standards providing the right product labeling and services appropriate sign, "European quality".

European Business Assembly commended the activities of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Rector Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev and his contribution to the conquest of leadership in science and education, presenting the Head of one of the largest agricultural universities in the country to join the Oxford Academic Union with the inclusion in the International Register Outstanding scientists of the world. Also Vladimir Ivanovich was awarded with the badge and the diploma of the Club of Rectors of Europe.

- Joining the Club of Rectors will expand the scope of research and cultural and educational activities of Agrarian University, establish business relationships with new partners in Europe and beyond, - gave a comment V.I.Trukhachev.

The solemn ceremony of handing regalia took place at the Oxford conference EBA. The address letter to the Rector of SSAU was sent by the General Director of the European Business Assembly (EBA) John V.Nettina (Oxford, UK), in which stated:

- The success that reached your institution during its development, show the stable and confident work. Years of hard work have brought fruitful for you and your well-deserved recognition of the University and leading position in its field. The awarding of this prestigious award will help to further improving in the educational process, active introduction advanced educational technologies and increase international cooperation in order to prepare highly qualified specialists in accordance with international best practice and European standards in this area.

EBA International Awards for their achievements and contribution to the intellectual development of the modern world is awarded to prominent political and public figures, representatives of business, science and culture.

Awards Assembly were made in the creative workshop of the famous English jeweler Alfred Vinetsky in London from precious metal, coated with gold. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  3

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