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In Agrarian University the new creative project "Fight of Studios" started


The project is based on competition of vocalists of musical collectives of SSAU.

On December 22 I passed the first stage of the competition "Fight of Studios". The singers participating in the project presented various vocal numbers in a format of variety competition. Vocalists of 4 studios: "Joyce" (mentor Maxim Babin), "Provence" (mentor Maxim Bukreev), "Ritm" (mentor Ashot Musayelyan) and "Anfas" (the mentor Anna Zakharova) – entered a musical marathon which will come to the end next year. Competition consists of a series of speeches of vocalists at different thematic stages for which children should prepare in three nominations: solo, duet and ensemble. Who sings better: soloists of Joyce ensemble, Provence group of Ritm or Anfas studio - will define jury. All points are summarized at the end of the academic year on summing up competition. Then the winner of the first project "Fight of Studios" of SSAU will be defined. We invite the audience to this fascinating action where remarkable voices sing songs alive, in hope to become the best in the project and to be pleasant to public. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  12

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