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Members of the Young Guard of SSAU congratulated children from sponsored boarding schools


The student's group of members of the Young Guard "Zabota" visited the wards – pupils of correctional general education boarding schools No. 4 x. Basic Grachevsky area and No. 14 of the village of Konstantinovskoye of the Petrovsky area.

The children especially were delighted to guests because the meeting with the senior mentors is always joyful, especially during a New Year's Eve time when all want heat and Winter's Tale. Students of faculty of agrobiology and land resources brought gifts to 73 birthday men, held various competitions, to all participants awarded prizes. Children too decided to congratulate mentors from STGAU – prepared creative performances, actively participated in all competitions, games, sang songs.

Ahead New year, magic time for all children. Children from student's group "Zabota" tried to please sponsored, to present them attention, to install belief that dreams come true. By and large, the purpose of activity of volunteers – to make boys and girls of orphanages is a little happier. And the smiles on faces of children imprinted in the general picture made in end of companionship with mentors – confirmation that members of the Young Guard from «Zabota» group managed it. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  16

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