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We meet New Year!


On the Academic council of economics department summing up the expiring year took place.

In a festive atmosphere the Dean of economics department, the Doctor of Economics, Professor O. N. Kusakina acted with an information message about activity of faculty in 2015, tasks for the next year, thanked the faculty, a student's asset for successful results in scientific and creative activity.

Further the format of action was changed. "Honour guests" rose at a scene of the assembly hall: Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The academic council proceeded in the cozy and festive atmosphere, as a gift to teachers students prepared bright performances.

The university already shrouded a crape of New year. The day before at faculties there were beauties fir-trees. Holiday vanity "adjusts" the few days which remained about New year. On the eve of a holiday teachers and students of economics department addressed to all congratulatory lines:

How many it is lived years –

We won't consider.

Simply all want

With all the heart to wish:

In New year not to be ill,

Not be sad, not to miss

And there are a lot more years

New year to meet! 

Дата новости для фото:  25.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  3

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