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Training of young scientists abroad - an effective remedy of the international interaction


Within the international cooperation between the Stavropol SAU and University of Genoa the associate professor "Information systems" I.V. Fedorenko and the assistant to Management chair A. R. Grigoryan passed scientific training in Italy.

The long-term scientific cooperation which began with University of Genoa ten years ago and supported by joint projects continues to develop and gets new forms. The Stavropol state agrarian university is aimed at realization of various directions of cooperation with University of Genoa, including a scientific and pedagogical exchange, the joint scientific researches.

During joint scientific activity with professor of University of Genoa V. Byanko by our scientists considered questions of modern application of information technologies in management of energy resources.

Following the results of the international training the Stavropol scientists received certificates.

Also the program of stay of representatives of SSAU in Genoa included acquaintance to scientific development of staff of university, participation in examination process, presentation of the Stavropol GAU. The Russian scientists told the Italian colleagues about the university, its history, illustrated fragments of celebration of 85-tiletny anniversary of higher education institution. University of Genoa - one of the largest universities of Italy. It is founded in 1481, located on the Italian Riviera. Buildings of the main premises of university were designed and built by the architect Bartolomeo Bianco in 1640. The Italian colleagues acquainted the Stavropol scientists with the Alma Mater and conducted tour across Genoa - Christopher Columbus and Niccolo Paganini's homeland.

SSAU supports extensive scientific and educational communications with universities and the organizations of the European countries, carries out an exchange of students and teachers, carrying out joint scientific researches, cooperation on various projects. Integration into world educational community and increase of the international prestige of the Stavropol SAU takes an important place in the list of priorities of higher education institution.

The training of our scientists which is carried out in Genoa - one of effective forms of the international interaction directed on improvement of quality of educational programs and scientific researches. The academic and professional mobility of teachers and students promotes growth of quality and uniqueness of the education provided in higher education institution. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  7

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