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Dialogue on cooperation


In the framework of business cooperation between SSAU and its strategic partners teachers of the Department of Economic theory and Economics of Agriculture, E. G. Agalarova, E. A. Kosinova, A.Y. Gunko met with the Vice President for agricultural production of the concern "Energomera" A. W. Shaplyko.

The University actively interacts with its strategic partners. Concern "Energomera" is one of them. It is the largest in the South of Russia diversified industrial company.

During the meeting they discussed issues of improving economic efficiency of agricultural activities, optimise on-farm processes, forms of state support in livestock and crop production, priority directions of development in terms of import. Special attention was paid to defining a portrait of a modern economist and disclosure of professional competencies that should be possessed by University graduates to be in demand in the labour market.

The prospects of further cooperation of the concern with the economic faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were defined. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.12.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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