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Students technologists on the cheese production


Students of the Faculty of Technology Management discussed the Russian cheesemaking prospects in the context of import substitution program.

Under the guidance of professor O. Sycheva third year students held a discussion on the topic of current industry state. Cheesemaking is considered "aerobatics" of dairy processing according to many indicators. For the manufacture of cheese it is necessary to use only milk of high quality. The complexity of production technology (maintaining, maturing and so on) requires much more time than during production of any other dairy products. For example, the manufacture of certain types of cheese (such as Parmesan) may take years.

Discussion questions such as the role of cheese in Russian food structure, the features of milk for cheesemaking, similarity and difference of Russian and foreign cheeses, import substitution opportunities in the cheesemaking industry caused a keen interest of future engineers.

Introduction of the embargo in August 2014 on the import of dairy products, including cheese, intended to protect the domestic market from imports and create conditions for the development of domestic production.

Interest in the cheese-making rapidly increased, existing enterprises began to increase production volumes.

In addition, success in cheese making is an incentive for the development of dairy farming. Today in our country the production of the Western and domestic kinds is organized. In 2011, a state support cheesemaking program appeared in Russia.

Duting the discussion the students emphasized the traditions of the consumption of certain kinds and types of cheese in different countries. E.g. in Russia traditionally moderate maturing cheeses are the most popular, they have a relatively rapid preparation period. They include Russian, Kostromskoy, Poshehonsky, Dutch kinds. However, some foreign varieties such as Gouda are similar on flavoring qualities to them.

A separate part of the discussion was the issue of cheese quality. Now the buyer wanting to purchase though fewer, but high-quality cheese is forced to seek the manufacturer meeting his requirements. It means that now is an auspicious moment to form the own name on the market and products recognition.

Students expressed their firm belief that the Russian cheese has good prospects for development and the Russians have the opportunity to become gourmets in respect of cheeses.

Дата новости для фото:  18.01.2016
Номер новости для фото:  9

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