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"Marketing" with the stamp of the educational and methodical association of universities of the Russian Federation


Authors, consisting of teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics, PhD in economics, associate professors S. Alivanova, V. Kurennaya, O. Cherednichenko, Y. Ryibasova issued the tutorial “Marketing” with the stamp of the educational and methodical association of universities of the Russian Federation (EMAU). The book was published in the publishing house “MIRACLE” (Moscow). Its creation was also attended by professors N. Lazareva and V. Fursov. The EMAU mark indicates that the textbook meets the requirements of the relevant educational standards, main educational program, general indicators of quality and functional parameters of the software, other requirements of EMAU by the expertise of educational publications.

The textbook is prepared in accordance with the educational program "Economics" and may be used by considering the theoretical and practical issues within the framework of the discipline "Marketing".

It contains materials for practical work, including the theoretical section of the course, assignments for individual work, tests, questions for discussion on the topic, theme papers and essays, recommended literature.

The study of the theoretical foundations and practical study of the educational component of the material presented in the publication, will help to solve the current and future economic challenges of the functioning of the commercial organization in various industrial branches (industry, agriculture, services, etc.) that inevitably arise not only in the work of economists and other professionals of the real economy.

Much attention is paid to the modern mechanisms to ensure sustainability of the organization in the marketplace.

The tutorial can be found in the university library

Дата новости для фото:  18.01.2016
Номер новости для фото:  12

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