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Our victories in the international publication competition


The results of the I International competition for the best educational and scientific publication became known. In the nomination "The best printed textbook on economic sciences" the textbooks edited by Professor E. Kostiukova got the prize places: I place – «Accounting and Analysis», II place – «Management accounting», III place – «Cost accounting, costing, budgeting in the sectors of industrial sphere».

In the nomination “The best printed educational and methodological edition” the textbook “Poultry reproduction” was awarded with the III place (authors: Е. Epimakhova, М. Selionova, V. Morozov). In the nomination "The best printed scientific publication in Economics" monograph “Organizational-methodical maintenance of management cost accounting and calculation of production costs in the wine-growing organizations” (ed. by E. Kostiukova) won the 2nd place.

The purpose of the competition is the identification of the best educational, scientific publications and support of authors and research teams, promotion of publishing projects of universities, raising the editorial and publishing preparation, printing performance and artistic design of publications for students, students of additional education units operating in the structure of educational institutions.

Books-prize winners are exhibited at the special library stand of Omsk state agrarian university named after P. Stolyipin.  

Дата новости для фото:  19.01.2016
Номер новости для фото:  3

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