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Students of SSAU got acquainted with the process of production of domestic immunobiological products for veterinary use


On "Stavropol biofactory" there was an introductory lesson for students of first and second courses of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with the technology of production of immunobiological products for veterinary use.

The foreman of production of veterinary drugs V. Lemeshko introduced the principles of the company. The students saw so called «clean rooms», in which the equipment of leading foreign firms of Germany, the USA, Italy and Japan is exploited, it allows to provide high quality products. «Stavropol biofactory» is a highly organized production, based on the most modern technology and certified by European experts on compliance with the GMP standards.

- I had no doubt that I had done correctly when chose veterinary faculty. Study is fascinating, today, for example, I got on biofactory for the first time, - student of I year German Doroshko shares his impressions. – I knew before, how these drugs are packaged, how they are used, but I’ve never seen how they’re produced. I’m greatly impressed! I would like to come here to practice, and even work in the future.

Stavropol State Agrarian University has for over 20 years a business relationship with «Stavropol biofactory». «More than half of the specialists working in our company are the SSAU graduates - the factory director, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor V. Zaerko says (he’s also the SSAU graduate of 1973). - In the formation of the company successful future the main role is given to the research work. Our aim is to offer drugs for animals, that are effective, innovative, safe, and inexpensive, and would meet the needs of customers. Development of such goods is based on the introduction of advanced technology, latest scientific achievements of biotechnology. Our products must meet the highest quality standards, as well as protecting the health and productivity of animals. Students who pass our practice, are directly involved in these processes, and many of them return to the company as a full-time staff. Academic knowledge they receive at the Agrarian University, they’re supported by practical skills, show a high level of their training». 

Дата новости для фото:  20.01.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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