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The Day of Russian students!


Dear friends!
Accept the warmest congratulations on the Day of Russian students!

This is a wonderful celebration of youth and enthusiasm, which brings together all those with a fire of creativity in the heart, and those who is overwhelmed by thirst for search and discovery.

In our temple of science the students have always been, are and will be the main people! Years of study at the Agrarian University are the way to big professional life from a high start. For this purpose the best teachers share with their knowledge, into the learning process world-class education standards are introduced, from year to year social conditions are improved, a comfortable environment for a personality is created, focused on the big life plans.

Our students – our heritage – must always be the first and the best! But there is no great victory without great effort. Your knowledge, scholarships, grants and awards are not just contribution to your future, but also to the SSAU reputation, that means it’s a university claim to new positions in the global world.

Let the student years for each of you be a time of serious reflection of life aims and priorities, boundary of combat and victory... Cherish the name of the student of SSAU and always remember that your alma mater is a portal into your successful future! Build plans, learn, love, grow, appreciate true friendship and enjoy your student fellowship!

I wish all the students good health, great success, bright emotions and great estimates, self-confidence, the implementation of the most ambitious plans, fiery eyes, optimism, inspiration, perseverance,

wise mentors and true friends! And the teachers – endless energy and high professional achievements!

Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university,

RAS corresponding member, professor,

Deputy of Stavropol Region Duma,

Hero of labour of Stavropol Region,

Honorary citizen of Stavropol Region

V. Trukhachev 

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