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Bilateral cooperation of South Russia agricultural science leaders


Within the framework of inter-university cooperation the SSAU delegation led by the Dean of Agrobiology and land resources Faculty, Professor А. Esaulko visited FSBEI HPO «Kuban SAU».

Modern conditions of socio-economic, socio-cultural and technological development require a new approach to establish cooperation in the area of higher education.

- A mutually beneficial cooperation between universities contributes to the development of innovative educational projects, constructive exchange of academic information, scientific data, - А. Esaulko says. – As part of a business trip the SSAU delegation had a meeting with Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Chemistry and soil science, plant protection, PhD of Agriculture I. Lebedovskiy and Dean of Engineering and Land Management Faculty, PhD in Technical Sciences K. Belokur. During the meeting, they outlined the plans of cooperation in the framework of creative cooperation, development of publishing activities, carrying out joint research projects and implementation of initiatives for bilateral cooperation of universities.

During a meeting with the Department of Agricultural Chemistry head, Doctor of Biological Sciences, corresponding member of RAS A. Sheudzhen issues of improving and maintaining soil fertility in the southern regions of the Russian Federation were discussed, as well as the prospects of joint publication of scientific papers and textbooks were reviewed.

During the meeting with RAS academician, professor and Doctor of Science in Agriculture,

На встрече с академиком РАН, профессором, доктором сельскохозяйственных наук, Honored Worker of Agriculture in Kuban region A. Romanenko students' practical training for Agrobiology and land resources Faculty on Krasnodar research agrarian university named after P. Lukianenko base were discussed; they also discussed program of joint research projects to study the adaptability of winter wheat of Krasnodar selection in the conditions of SSAU research station.  

Дата новости для фото:  22.01.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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