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SSAU passed the torch of the Interregional Forum of All-Russia People’s Front


After completing the discussion forums and workshops held on the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the participants of the Inter-Regional Forum of All-Russia People’s Front moved to the Palace of Culture, where the final plenary session took place.

It was attended by the President of Russia, the leader of All-Russia People’s Front- Vladimir Putin. Addressing the audience: activists from the southern regions of Russia, federal and regional experts, representatives of the government - he said that the movement highlights serious problems that have not been managed by various levels of government yet. Vladimir Vladimirovich said that he intended to discuss the proposals of activists of All-Russia People’s Front with the heads of territorial subjects of Russian.

The President and forum participants raised a number of topical issues of the region and the country as a whole. Among them - the extension of the minimum rental period of agricultural land, the mechanism of funding of small farms in the countryside. "Farmers give enough significant additive to consumer basket of the country which should be supported. - Subsidies for agriculture - is an extremely important thing. Last year, 222 billion was directed for the support of agriculture. It is planned that in 2016 the support of agriculture will be increased slightly - up to 237 billion rubles.

Responding to questions from activists, V.V. Putin drew attention to the tourism potential of Russian regions, terms of land availability to large families, on civilian control solution to the problem of effective functioning of the utilities and other equally pressing issues.

Forum participants made for the President “ Problems card" of South of Russia, together with concrete proposals of their solution.

The plenary session was attended by the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I. Trukhachev. Upon its completion, he shared his impressions with student activists of the university, told the students about the basic questions given to the President and thanked the volunteers of SSAU involved in the organization of the largest in Southern Russia Forum, the main venue of which was Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Дата новости для фото:  26.01.2016 16:08:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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