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Students of SSAU gave an excellent grade to Tatiana Day!


On their "professional" holiday SSAU students gathered in the Board of Studies hall. Rector of SSAU Vladimir Trukhachev congratulated students on Tatiana's day and gave them a warm greeting and colorful presents from the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev.

- The presents in! - announced the Rector. The students in smart Cossack suits brought the traditional food in Tatiana Day - ruddy boubliks and pocket-shaped buns, fruits and sweets. Also the students were presented a laptop computer.

Vladimir Ivanovich thanked the youth for participation and victories in various forums, competitions, festivals, where they glorified their university.

- I want to rejoice with you that an engineering and construction documents of a new dormitory was commissioned last year. Soon we will celebrate housewarming in the modern "student house" where there are rooms for 1-2 persons, a kitchen on each floor, a dining hall for 250 people and a lot more that you need for comfort and relaxation. The next important task that should be solved, -completion of construction of a new building on Lenina street which area is 24000 square meters. It is one of the largest objects not only in university campus but also in the entire city. The work will be considerable in all directions. We set global goals and we will perfectly solve them. This year, we are waiting for a lot of wonderful experiences and I sincerely wish you to be joyful, clever, advanced and loved ones! Your energy, perseverance and love of life can only be envied!

As tradition demands, students asked the Rector, symbolically, to "sweeten" the grade books of freshmen for successful university studies that Vladimir Ivanovich did, laughing, with pleasure and young enthusiasm. At the end of the festive evening sounded a cheerful song of D. Tukhmanov and L. Ginsburg about the student, which has been an informal anthem of the students for many years. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.01.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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