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The basis for creativity


By the beginning of the second semester, all the tasks of V.I. Trukhachev – the rector of SSAU on students “instructions" are performed, according to the meeting of Vladimir Ivanovich with a creative asset of the university. For the successful implementation of creative projects nothing can be done without a strong material and technical base. Stavropol State Agrarian University pays much attention towards its strengthening, development, corresponding to modern requirements. Today the area of the rehearsal hall at the university is more than 800 square meters. Over the past five years, more than 43 million rubles was allocated for the Center for aesthetic education of students. At the celebration of Tatiana day students thanked the Rector of the university for attention to the activities of amateur groups and the creation of conditions for their further work.

At the beginning of 2016 the work of SSAU circus studio has started, at the request of students new modern sound equipment, pop-folk costumes and stage shoes were acquired. The artistic classes are renovated and equipped, mirrors in costume fitted wardrobes are replaced. For this purpose has been spent over 700 thousand rubles, and the total funding of creative and social activities in the past year amounted to more than 5 million rubles.

After a meeting at the university a literary club "The World in Words" is founded.

Classes at the university contribute to the creative teams of socialization of modern youth, the development of cultural and creative potential, aimed at self-education and self-development. The words spoken by A.P. Chekhov are not occasional: "Who has ever experienced the pleasure of creativity, for those the other pleasures do not exist." 

Дата новости для фото:  27.01.2016
Номер новости для фото:  6

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