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Origami of SSAU students


Series of classes on the stylistics was devoted to the study of Japan and China gift etiquette, which took place at the Faculty of hospitality business and tourism.

Countries of the Far East has always captivated the inhabitants of the Western world for its culture and traditions. Until now, they dominated the centuries-old foundations and ethical standards. The art of origami is one of the most popular in Japan and China.

As part of the practical lesson on origami, the students studied the history of this art, learned to fold paper cranes. Determination of origami art lies in the title, meaning the two concepts: "paper" and "fold." Previously, paper figures build rules were strict. "Correct" work is considered only those that were made from a single sheet, which is not made any breaks or cuts. Now, Origami has many directions. For today's young people origami serve as inputs in the development of creative thinking, the most suggest the idea of a compact shape and transform structures. One of the "guru" was a Japanese origami master Akira Yoshizawa. This person came up with more than fifty thousands of models - from all kinds of birds and animals to his own self-portrait.

During the workshop, the students mastered the skills of creating origami cranes, in Japan it is a symbol of goodness and happiness. This image is linked with the story of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who fell ill with radiation sickness - leukemia - after the atomic attacks of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Sadako told the legend: crane will bring healing, if a sick person makes a thousand paper birds. Sadako believed, as probably anyone would have believed, with all his/her entity wants to live. She had to fold down all 644 cranes, so her friends completed the cranes after her death. At the funeral of Sadako flew much more than a thousand paper cranes connected by invisible threads of human kindness. Courageous girl Sadako Sasaki became a symbol of opposition to a nuclear war, a symbol of protest against violence.

At the end of the lesson, students exchanged real origami, folded paper cranes - a symbol of good and happy life. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.01.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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