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In the footsteps of KiViN


Two teams of KVN (Club of the Funny and Inventive) of the Stavropol State Agrarian University participated in the International Festival "KiViN-2016" in Sochi.

Our team second time went to Sochi. The format of the festival included performances non-stop. We have gathered all the best of their performances, and has turned out, in general, a good "mix". We have received a higher rating, and the right to participate in leagues, "AMiKo", - said Sergey Khojayan from team "Group of enthusiasts."

The performance of the team accounted acting, themes, moves the concept; the more it was interesting, funny and "format", the more likely students were to get a "higher ranking". Sochi is a recognized platform for professional growth. The students gain experience and acquire knowledge, looking at performance of other teams completely different levels, as well as attending a forum in which all kinds of seminars are held for KVN actors and not only. This year 440 teams participated in KiViN. Passions were running high indescribable emotions hurricane of fun and new acquaintances, which cannot be avoided at the festival. And, of course, contribute to the KVN festival have made the surrounding landscape.

In an interview with the students in TV program "Student AU" our students noted that they had received a great experience that will help them "worthy jokes" on KVN sites, and thanked for the opportunity to participate in the International Festival of University rector V. Trukhacheva, and also appealed to fans to support them in the new season of KVN. Details on the participation of our teams in the festival "KiViN-2016" can be found in the program "Student AU", which will be aired on the TV channel "Russia 24" on Friday, 5 February, at 21.25.

Дата новости для фото:  03.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  11

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