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Presentation of the book "15 years with President V.V. Putin"


There was a presentation of Gennady Vasilyevich Kulik’s book in the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The author is the deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Budget and Taxes, a member of the Supreme Council of the party "United Russia" - examines in detail the actions of President Vladimir Putin to revive and strengthen the agricultural sector as a basis economic and political independence of the Russian state, summarizes the development of agriculture in the past

15 years, talks about his prospects. G. V. Kulik linked to agriculture's labor activity. He went from being a graduate of the Leningrad State University to a prominent public figure, becoming in 1990 the first deputy of the RSFSR Council of Ministers, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the RSFSR. In 1998, Gennady Kulik was appointed by AIC vice-premier. In 1993 he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and to this day is the sixth convocation in a row is convening people's representatives.

The Head of the Department of Philosophy and History Associate Professor N.G. Guzynin, Professor of Public and Reclamation Farming G.R. Dorozhko, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapy V.V. Rodin, assistant professor of Public and Municipal Administration and Rights Department, S.I. Lugovskoy and professor of Finance, Credit and Insurance Department B.A. Doronin appeared before students. In their reports, they are considered the main sections of the book, which speak about the results of development, economic and social state of the agro-industrial complex for the period of leadership of Vladimir Putin, raise issues of livestock development, to increase the production of grain, separately highlighted the problem of rapid increase in production of milk and meat products.

Vice-Rector for SSAU Science and Innovation Associate Professor V. Yu Morozov opened the presentation and made a speech. He noted that the author convincingly and clearly demonstrated a huge role Russian President Vladimir Putin in Russia picked up "to its knees" and its entry into the five of the most economically powerful countries. But to understand what has been done in the period of his presidency, it is necessary to recognize the scale of losses in agriculture from 1990 to 2000, and clearly brought concrete facts. Then he continued: "Given the historical experience of the Russian multistructure Agriculture President orientated strategy for the development of agriculture in Russia to support all forms of ownership and forms of organization of production. Defining the strategic course of the country's development, it is always attached to agricultural development a priority. " Especially V. Yu Morozov noted the importance of the President of the words "Address to the Federal Assembly," December 3, 2015: "I think that you need to put the problem at the national level and in 2020 fully meet the domestic market for domestic food. We are not only able to feed it, taking into account its land, water, which is especially important resource. Russia is capable of becoming the world's largest supplier of healthy, environmentally friendly, high-quality food that has long been missing in some western producers, especially since the demand on the global market for such products is growing steadily. "

In his book, G. Kulik affects the property issue in agriculture as a top priority in a number of other problems of agriculture. This was stated by N.G. Guzynin, expressing solidarity with the author: "Historically, the village and agriculture in Russia turned into a testing ground for many of the reformers and the experimenters. The essence of the numerous reforms in agriculture, ranging from king-liberator Alexander 2 to Yeltsin's reforms 1991-1992, was the question of the land and respect for her man, who lives on the ground, which is peasant. In other words, it was always a question of giving those who work on the land ownership of the land. And all the reforms reduced to what promised to give the peasants land, but did not give. Instead of feeling the earth Russian owner had encountered alienated attitude towards her man enslaved leading bonded labor. Only a short period of Stolypin's reforms peasants swallowed air of freedom, and began to appear prosperous peasants. Even in Siberia began to grow wheat. Russia has become the breadbasket of Europe, even the world and a leading exporter of grain. A particularly destructive impact on agriculture has been caused during the period of collectivization, industrialization brought in sacrifice. As a result, allegorically speaking was destroyed "humus" genuine farmers. That is, the layer of the peasants, who were not only hard-working, carrying out effective work on the ground material, but also had a traditional native spiritual and reverent feeling for the land, lovingly looking at her mother, and even the Virgin. The destruction of this "humus farmers" has resulted in the irreversible destruction of the fertile humus in the soil, and its neglect ... fundamental factor for the development of agriculture is the fact that the land of the owner. The most modern farm equipment in the hands of a man indifferently related to the earth will turn into trash, the best chemical fertilizers become harmful substances, bringing no benefit and harm to the earth. We often talk about how to bring up the younger generation, the students with rural roots, in the spirit of patriotism. The answer to this is simple. It should be in the minds of the young are systematically generate and nurture the sprouts of love to his native home, to the village, where you grew up, and to the land in which you live. "

With great interest audience listened G.R.Dorozhko. At the beginning of his speech he noted the enormous project, which makes the author gathered, organize and analyze the activities of Vladimir Putin to revive and develop the agricultural sector of the country. Citing facts from the book, thinking, George Romanovich makes suggestions to improve the development of the industry. Authoritative, a talented scientist, theorist and practitioner, he appreciated the work of G.V. Kulik. Addressing the students, he emphasized its importance to them, and expressed confidence that their future among high-level specialists, scientists, managers.

Equally meaningful were the performances of other participants of the presentation. S.I. Lugovskoy clearly considered social development problems of the village, the author analyzed. The rise of agriculture depends on the social development of rural areas, the creation of decent, modern living conditions in rural areas, the high motivation of the rural labor. The author dwells on the most important problems of the villagers, showing the socio-economic basis of the high level of support for the President. V.V. Rodin commented on the development of the livestock industry. Head of the Scientific Library SSAU M.V. Obnovlenskaya each handed a book, saying that the other students can read it in the library. BA B.A. Doronin summed up the presentation of speaking participants.

In the book Gennadiy Vasilevich Kulik "15 years with President Vladimir Putin," especially valuable spirit of optimism that pervades the entire book, and giving birth to our faith in the huge, yet far disclosed the potential of agriculture, but today, even in difficult economic conditions situation, showing the growth of agricultural production, acting in the role of locomotive for the exit of Russia from the crisis. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  10

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