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Cooperation strategy


Within the framework of the bilateral cooperation agreement was signed between the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Development Corporation of North Caucasus.

The cooperation of higher education institutions and business structures in our time is a winning model of conducting joint work. Helping each other they make a significant contribution not only to the development of their organizations, but also in the whole region, the country's economy.

JSC "Development Corporation of North Caucasus" was established six years ago with the aim of developing the investment environment of the North Caucasus Federal District by attracting investors and participation in the implementation of industrial and infrastructure projects in the district. The main priorities of the corporation are to promote the implementation of the government program focused on the development of the North Caucasus Federal District, attraction of investments to the region and creating new jobs.

One of the priority directions of activity of the corporation is the largest project in argo-industrial cluster and tourism industry. Thus, the corporation implemented the project "North-Caucasian mountain club" in the Kabardino-Balkaria, conducted the development of agricultural projects aimed at the cultivation and processing of crops, fruits and vegetables.

"Today the investment projects of the Development Corporation of North Caucasus are implemented in various sectors of the regional economy - it is agriculture, tourism and production of manufactured goods. Our close cooperation with SSAU will combine the theory and practice, provide the region with qualified specialists with knowledge of the specifics ready after graduation to solve tasks", - said General Director of JSC" Development Corporation of North Caucasus "Sergei Kharitonov.

SSAU is the university having strong business links with the business partners, tuned to the close interaction with the business community, it holds a course on the development of such infrastructure which is optimal and modern, "sharpened" to prepare businessmen, entrepreneurs, popular in the modern world. The strategic directions of the university include scientific innovation in agriculture, economy and tourism cluster.

"The cooperation agreement with the Development Corporation of North Caucasus provides a platform for interaction with a business partner, providing ample opportunities for the introduction of innovative technologies developed by the SSAU – the leading agricultural university in the region, agriculture, tourism industrial clusters of the North Caucasus Federal District. Also important are the two sides of the educational process. The university is the manufacturer, and the company – consumer experts. The agreement will create an effective feedback promote the training of highly qualified specialists in accordance with the employer's wishes. Students, post-graduate students and scientists of the SSAU will be involved in a dynamic implementation of projects focused on improving of investment returns of the region ", - said the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev.

It is assumed that students of agrarian specialties will be able to do an internship at one of the investment projects of Development Corporation of North Caucasus which is engaged in the development of intensive crop production in the Stavropol Region. Also the SSAU students will have the opportunity to improve their skills on the basis of the tourist asset of the Corporation in the "North Caucasian mountain club". The tour operator is a subsidiary of "North Caucasus Development Corporation" and is aimed at the development of adventure and excursion tourism in the North Caucasus.

In addition, the representatives of the North Caucasus Development Corporation are ready to open lecture format to exchange with the SSAU students their knowledge in agribusiness, marketing and tourism.

In the format of scientific and practical conferences creative and professional competitions, meetings of the "Alliance of Hoteliers of Russia", research and the creation of "road maps" for tourism development in the North Caucasus Federal District, holding various festivals and fairs will be held, as well as numbers of other measures aimed at strengthening the region's image, strengthening its investment attractiveness. These measures are also focused on addressing and important tasks of the partnership agreement on attraction of future professionals in the industry of enterprises, formation of interest to the profession.

All this can be a powerful stimulus for the technological development of the entire region. University and Development Corporation of the North Caucasus have serious fundamental scientific reserve and are ready to implement a number of initiatives in this direction.

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