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Strong science - strong power!


Today in the Stavropol State Agrarian University the first in the history of agricultural universities webinar of young scientists "Young Science - innovative development of agricultural production" was held.

The online dialogue came from different areas: Stavropol State Agrarian University, Saratov State Agrarian University, Kuban State Agrarian University, Samara State Agrarian Academy, Ulyanovsk State Agrarian Academy. The webinar of young scientists was opened by the chairman of rectors of Agrarian Universities of Russia, Rector of the SSAU, Honored Scientist of Russia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.I. Trukhachev. He congratulated the participants of the webinar on the Day of Russian Science, noting that it is a holiday of talented people whose work contributes to the scientific development of the intellectual space of society, progress of fundamental and applied science, innovation implementation. "At the moment the results of research and innovation activities contribute to the strengthening of national science and raise its prestige on the world stage. This issue is particularly important now: strong science - strong country!"- was said in the greeting!

Vladimir Ivanovich also thanked Professor Vladimir I.L. Vorotnikov and his team from the Saratov Agricultural University for the initiative to hold this event and expressed confidence that the webinars will become a good tradition.

- In the Stavropol State Agrarian University young scientists take a very proactive stance, contribute to the agricultural science and production. And we appreciate and support the young people! 6th time in a row we held a competition for grants and awards of the Scientific Council of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists. At the initiative of the Council of young scientists and specialists of the University we have introduced the tradition to encourage scientists in a university in grants and awards. In 2010 the prize fund amounted to half a million rubles. Today on this festive day there were delivered 2 million rubles for research, - said V.I. Trukhachev. – Our scientists are actively involved in the program UMNIK of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere, in 2015 the owners of theis Grant were 18 young scientists, and throughout history of the competition at the university there are 102 winner. In our meeting there is Maria Selivanova – young researcher of the Faculty of agrobiology and land resources who became the owner of the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists in 2015.

Rector of the SSAU noted that it would be good today to outline joint research and, as a result, - joint publications. Stavropol State Agrarian University occupies significant position on the publication activity. Now it occupies the first place among universities in citations. At the base of RSCI is placed 22 thousand of publications, over 82 million citations. H-index of the University is 61.

V.I Trukhachev invited young colleagues from the agricultural universities to publish their articles in the journal "Bulletin of the agroindustrial complex of Stavropol region," which won strong position in the arena of scientific publications, entered the updated list of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles and international citation databases AGRIS and ULRICH.

Rector of the SSAU noted that agricultural universities in Russia unite the same tasks, they understand common problems. And in the end of his speech he said, "Competing with each other we achieve perfection. Young scientists actually contribute to the prosperity of their region and Russia as a whole. Prosperity of our country depends on headstrongness, ambitions and creative search of young scientists".

Afterwards the Vice-Rectors for Science and Innovation, Chairmen of the Council of young scientists of universities participated the webinar. They told about the results of the research work of young scientists in 2015.

Chairman of the council of young scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University D.V. Ivanov reported that with the support of the Rector and the Academic Council in 2010 there was established the Grant and Award of the Stavropol State Agrarian University of Science and Innovation for Young Scientists. The grant consists of targeted financing of the conducted researches and development, and it is aimed at the financial aid for the purchase of equipment and consumables. The prize is awarded for the scientific results already achieved. Presentation of certificates to the award and diplomas for the winners is always held in a festive atmosphere. To join the conference devoted to this event, the representatives of legislative and executive authorities of the region, representatives of ministries and departments are invited.

As part of the All-Russian conference "Scientific support of the agricultural sector by young scientists", on the basis of the SSAU a meeting of the Council of young scientists and specialists of the North Caucasus, the Southern and Crimean Federal District was held. Young scientists have the opportunity to participate annually in the exhibition of scientific-technical creativity of youth – one of the main activities of federal significance, which showcases the latest achievements of young technocrats in the field of engineering, natural, social and economic sciences. In 2015 a student of the Faculty of technology management Elena Shirits won the competition with the project "Development of technology for the functional direction of the products".

Last year in the Stavropol State Agrarian University there was held the third stage of the competition in the field of agricultural engineers and competition for students in technical sciences for graduate students and young scientists in the framework of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. This year the third stage of the competition for veterinary students and veterinary sciences for graduate students and young scientists will be held.

Also in 2015 with the support of administration of the SSAU young scientists took part in the International Youth Scientific Agrarian forum "Science, innovation and business projects of young scientists", which took place on the basis of Altai State Agricultural University in the city of Barnaul. As part of this forum was a meeting of the All-Russian Council of young scientists and specialists of agrarian educational institutions and a contest of publications of Council of Young Scientists was held on which the editions of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took first place.

Webinar participants exchanged information with interest, approving the format of the event, outlined the ways of cooperation in the field of interaction between the Council of young scientists of agricultural universities, conducting joint scientific conferences, exhibitions, forums. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  3

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