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Agricultural science, creativity, growth: meeting new practice-oriented studies


In Stavropol State Agrarian University the 6th international scientific-practical conference "Agricultural science, creativity, growth" were held dedicated to the Day of Russian Science. Traditionally it is held in conjunction with the departments of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture, and accounting and finance.

Welcoming speeches were delivered by vice-rector for science and innovation, associate professor V.Yu. Morozov, the deans professor A.N. Esaulko and professor E.I. Kostyukova.

Associate professor of the department for production and processing of plant products from vegetable raw materials E.A. Sosyura read the report "Development of formulations and technology for food production on the basis of jujube". Post-graduate student of the department of agricultural chemistry and plant physiology A.Yu Gurueva told about the methods of improving technology «in-vitro» for the production of the improved potato seed material of Russian selection of recognized varieties in Stavropol region.

Then participants continued to work in subsections: "Aspects of the use of fertilizers and PAC", "Monitoring of soil covering and methods to improve soil fertility," "Current state of selection and seed production of various cultures", "Environmental management and environmental protection", "Issues of plant protection", "Prospects for the development of horticulture, viticulture and winemaking "and others.

The purpose of the event is to acquaint young scientists with new practice-oriented research in various fields of science and practice.

According to the conference materials collection of scientific papers will be published and located in the RISC-based data. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  9

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